SEAHA welcome third cohort at the annual residential 2016
5 October 2016
Thirty-six SEAHA students, supervisors and staff attended the annual SEAHA Residential at the Malmaison Hotel in Oxford on October 3rd and 4th, 2016. This event marks the start of the academic year for SEAHA and gathers together everyone involved in SEAHA across UCL, the University of Brighton and the University of Oxford. On the first day, incoming MRes students and supervisors reviewed the student handbook and had time to discuss their research projects together in detail. Doctoral students and supervisors had an engaging discussion of the various issues involved in ‘Surviving a PhD’. As the meeting venue was formerly a prison, attendees were shown around the original prison features preserved throughout the hotel. The day ended with a poster session featuring the ongoing work of several projects followed by a dinner reception. On the second day, everyone was invited to a tour of Oxford’s stone heritage by Prof Heather Viles, and MRes students were treated to a private tour of the Ashmolean Museum conservation labs. As the SEAHA community continues to grow, the annual Residential has become a very exciting gathering to exchange ideas and experiences.