Student Panos Andrikopoulos chairs MuseumHour
13 April 2016
MuseumHour is a Twitter chat happening every Monday, at 8pm BST focused on museum and heritage topics. SEAHA student Panos Andrikopoulos and fellow student Danny Garside , were invited to chair the MuseumHour conversation on Museum Lighting. The discussion started from what consists “good museum lighting” and quickly evolved to address new lighting technologies, lighting policy decision and conservation versus access and included artists, curators, conservators and lighting designers. A summary of the discussion could be found on storify. Panos is a first year student in the Centre for Doctoral Training in Science Engineering Arts Heritage and Archaeology (SEAHA) and Danny is a PhD research student within the 3D Impact group in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering at UCL.
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