SEAHA students launch the Heritage Science Research Network (HSRN)
5 November 2015

SEAHA is delighted to announce the launch of the Heritage Science Research Network (HSRN), a SEAHA student led initiative which aims to connect heritage scientists and researchers in pursuing the conservation, interpretation and management of our heritage.
The Heritage Science Research Network aims to:
- Provide a platform for gathering and engaging heritage science and related researchers, professionals and practitioners for the discussion of innovative research being conducted in the cross-disciplinary field.
- Connect and stimulate the dialogue between practitioners and academics involved in heritage science and in cultural heritage broadly.
- Share new knowledge in best practice addressing the scientific and engineering research needs of the arts, heritage and archaeology sectors.
SEAHA Director, Professor May Cassar observed, “The prosperity of heritage science lies in the hands of the next generation of heritage scientists. HSRN, conceived by the first cohort of SEAHA students, will succeed because of their energy and enthusiasm for heritage science which is evidenced by the creation of this network.”
Header image: Two girls illustration by Clarisse Croset on Unsplash