Our unique opportunity for the future of heritage science is the growing interdisciplinary data sets that integrate the economy, society, all science fields, and global issues. SEAHA has been unique in engaging heritage, academic and industry partners. We need to expand these links through better connecting currently disparate but related data sets. Heritage science is poised to be at the center of a “round-about” that brings together streams of data that can become knowledge for change. Our future will continue through the connection of historical, contemporary and prospective data predictions, modelling, analytics and visualizations. The future is making accessible that data for use and engagement with multiple audiences.
Biography: Fenella G. France PhD MBA
Fenella G. France, Chief of the Preservation Research and Testing Division, Library of Congress, is an international specialist on environmental deterioration to cultural objects. She focuses on non-invasive spectral imaging and other complementary analytical techniques. Additionally, she has developed a research infrastructure that integrates heritage and scientific data to advance linked open data (LOD) and make data FAIR and accessible to a diverse range of users. Dr. France has worked on projects including World Trade Centre Artifacts, Ellis Island Immigration Museum, 1507 Waldseemüller World Map. She collaborates with academic, cultural, forensic and federal institutions. Currently PI on a project to scientifically assess the condition of print materials in USA research libraries. Other international collaborations: Collections Demography, SEAHA doctoral training, Beast2Craft Biocodicology project, and CHaNGE – Cultural Heritage Analysis for New Generations.