
UCL Quantum Science and Technology Institute


ICITS 2015 (8th International Conference on Information-Theoretic Security)

02 May 2015–05 May 2015, 8:00 am–4:00 pm

ICITS 2015 (8th International Conference on Information-Theoretic Security)

Event Information

Open to



UCL Quantum


UCL Quantum

Program details can be found here: http://icits2015.net/?page=program
For registration please follow this link: http://icits2015.net/?page=registration

=== Invited speakers===
– Adrian Kent, University of Cambridge, UK: “New developments in relativistic quantum cryptography”
– Jesper Buus Nielsen, Aarhus University, Denmark: “Tamper and leakage resilient von Neumann architectures from continuous non-malleable codes”
– Joseph M. Renes, ETH Zurich, Switzerland: “Classical uses of quantum complementarity: leakage resilient computation and semantically-secure communication”
– Daniel Wichs, Northeastern University, USA: “Tamper-detection and non-malleable codes”
– Andreas Winter, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain: “Reflections on quantum data hiding”

=== Accepted papers: Conference track ===
– I. Damgard, F. Dupuis and J. B. Nielsen: “On the orthogonal vector problem and the feasibility of unconditionally-secure leakage-resilient computation”
– I. Damgard, S. Faust, P. Mukherjee and D. Venturi: “The Chaining Lemma and its application”
– B. M. David, R. Nishimaki, S. Ranellucci and A. Tapp: “Generalizing Efficient Multiparty Computation”
– G. Demay, P. Gazi, U. Maurer and B. Tackmann: “Query-Complexity Amplification for Random Oracles”
– N. Ding: “On Zero-Knowledge with Strict Polynomial-Time Simulation and Extraction from Differing-Input Obfuscation for Circuits”
– R. Dowsley, J. Müller-Quade and T. Nilges: “Weakening the Isolation Assumption of Tamper-proof Hardware Tokens”
– B. Fuller and A. Hamlin: “Unifying Leakage Classes: Simulatable Leakage and Pseudoentropy”
– S. Galbraith and B. Shani: “The Multivariate Hidden Number Problem”
– M. Hajiabadi and B. M. Kapron: “Gambling, Computational Information, and Encryption Security”
– R. Kishore, A. Kumar, C. Vanarasa and S. Kannan: “Round-Optimal Perfectly Secret Message Transmission With Linear Communication Complexity”
– D. Markham and A. Marin: “Practical sharing of quantum secrets over untrusted channels”
– E. Morais, S. Galbraith and R. Dahab: “Adaptive key recovery attacks on NTRU-based somewhat homomorphic encryption schemes”
– R. Ostrovsky and A. Paskin-Cherniavsky: “Locally Decodable Codes for Edit distance”
– M. Skorski: “Metric Pseudoentropy: Characterizations, Transformations and Applications”
– M. Skorski: “Non-uniform Hardcore Lemmas for Unpredictability and Indistinguishability: New Proofs and Applications to Pseudoentropy”
– M. Walter: “Lattice Point Enumeration on Block Reduced Bases”
– P. Wang and R. Safavi-Naini: “Limited View Adversary Codes: Bounds, Constructions and Applications”

=== Accepted papers: Workshop track ===
– R. Arnon-Friedman, R. Renner and T. Vidick: “Non-signalling parallel repetition using de Finetti reductions”
– M. Berta, O. Fawzi and V. Scholz: “Semidefinite programs for randomness extractors”
– A. Broadbent and S. Fehr: “A purification approach to input privacy”
– F. Calmon, M. Varia, M. Médard, M. Christiansen, K. Duffy, L. M. Zeger and J. Barros: “Revisiting the Shannon Theory Approach to Cryptography”
– J. M. Renes, D. Sutter and S. H. Hassani: “Alignment of Polarized Sets”
– D. Sutter, V. Scholz and R. Renner: “Approximate Degradable Quantum Channels”

=== Program committee ===
– Paulo Barreto (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
– Mario Berta (Caltech, USA)
– Anne Broadbent (University of Ottawa, Canada)
– Roger Colbeck (University of York, UK)
– Paolo D’Arco (University of Salerno, Italy)
– Frederic Dupuis (Aarhus University, Denmark)
– Stefan Dziembowski (University of Warsaw, Poland)
– Sebastian Faust (EPF Lausanne, Switzerland)
– Omar Fawzi (ENS Lyon, France)
– Peter Gazi (IST, Austria)
– Yuval Ishai (Technion, Israel)
– Anja Lehmann (IBM Research Zurich, Switzerland)
– Keith Martin (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK)
– Prakash Narayan (University of Maryland, USA)
– Anderson Nascimento (University of Washington Tacoma, USA)
– Koji Nuida (AIST, Japan)
– Frederique Oggier (NTU, Singapore)
– Claudio Orlandi (Aarhus University, Denmark)
– Carles Padro (Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain)
– Rei Safavi-Naini (University of Calgary, Canada)
– Marco Tomamichel (University of Sidney, Australia)
– Stefan Wolf (USI Lugano, Switzerland)
– Mark Zhandry (Stanford University, USA)

=== Conference organization (General and program co-chairs) ===
– Anja Lehmann (IBM Research Zurich, Switzerland)
– Stefan Wolf (USI Lugano, Switzerland)