
Quantum Spin Dynamics


Saksham Mahajan

DSaksham Mahajan portrait small

Postdoctoral Research Assistant

email: ucanmah@ucl.ac.uk



Research Interests

My general interest lies in spin-based precision measurements and quantum information processing in the solid-state. The development of practical devices like nano-sensors and simulators, which can outperform their classical counterparts to acquire a more profound knowledge of quantum systems and their environment, interests me a lot.

Currently, I am working with sensing using NV centers and studying their behaviour at low temperatures. My goal is to understand their behaviour and establish their potential as ultra-sensitive magnetic field sensors.
Previously, I was involved in developing efficient control techniques for nuclear spin qubits inspired by NMR techniques and quantum information ideas 

Interesting fact

I became a GTA fan when I used "LEAVE ME ALONE" in my real life after saying hi to a bear on a trek to the bear valley.