SUpporting Mothers’ Mental health with Interpersonal Therapy: A large multi-site study evaluating the impact of Group Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) In Lebanon and Kenya
What is postnatal depression?

Postnatal depression is a depressive illness which can affect any woman who has had a baby. Symptoms can include persistent low mood, lethargy, trouble sleeping, difficulty bonding with the baby, and frightening thoughts such as wanting to hurt the baby.
Women with depression often struggle to respond to their children’s needs. Research shows that as a result of this, children of women with postnatal depression (PND) have poorer learning, or cognitive development, and more emotional and behavioural problems as they grow up. These issues can be exacerbated by other challenges faced by families living in low- and middle-income countries and can further negatively affect children’s development.
What is group interpersonal therapy (g-IPT)?
Group-Interpersonal Therapy is a structured and time-limited talking therapy treatment for depression in adults. With its basis of psychoanalysis and attachment theory, g-IPT focuses on interpersonal relationships, life transitions, and the therapeutic alliance. It believes that depression is triggered and worsened by interpersonal problems and adversities, such as grief, interpersonal disputes, role transitions, and loneliness and social isolation. It therefore works on identifying how the onset of current depressive symptoms relates to interpersonal problems, and provides skills which can aid in more effective management of said problems.
What is the SUMMIT trial?
The study consists of two phases; feasibility study and a large-scale randomised control trial. Teams in Kenya and Lebanon will work with the team in the United Kingdom to explore the community and cultural vue on maternal depression, and how to access help may be affected by local factors. A culturally adapted version of g-IPT will then be developed to be delivered to mothers in both countries.
The feasibility study portion of the trial will involve a Randomised Control Trial (RCT) comparing the effects of g-IPT to those of High Quality - Standard Care (HQ-SC). Participants will be randomly assigned to receive either g-IPT or HQ-SC. Participants in the g-IPT arm of the trial will undergo an 8-session WHO-endorsed therapy, with each session lasting 90 minutes. Participants in the HQ-SC arm will receive an illustrated guided self-help manual, delivered over 2 sessions, focused on stress management and coping with adversity. Following the feasibility study, the protocol will be scaled up to large scale randomised control trial across multiple sites in both countries.
Feasibility study: data collection
Participants will be contacted 8, 13 and 24 weeks post-baseline to complete a set of outcome measures. The primary outcome measure is the Patient Health Questionnaire used to assess the presenting severity of depression. Participants will also be assessed on their family circumstances, early development, physical health and sleep patterns of the baby, anxiety and depression, sleep functioning, general health and alcohol use, breastfeeding patterns, social isolation and quality of life, and relationship satisfaction. A further economic analysis will evaluate the monetary value of IPT treatment.
What were the findings?
The trial is currently underway.
- Partners
This will be an international collaboration between the UCL’s Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, the Institute for Global Prosperity (IGP), the Institute for Global Health (IGH) and Bangor University, Columbia University, ABAAD and the University of Saint Joseph in Lebanon and the University of Nairobi and HealthStrat in Kenya.
- Funders
National Institute for Health Research - Research and Innovation for Global Health Transformation (RIGHT) programme
- Trial Team
Chief Investigator
Professor Peter Fonagy, University College London Investigators
Dr Rabih El Chammay, Ministry of Public Health Lebanon, Lebanon
Dr Carol Ngunu, Nairobi City County Government, Kenya
Professor Pasco Fearon, University College London, United Kingdom
Professor Stephen Pilling, University College London, United Kingdom
Dr Elizabeth Allison, University College London, United Kingdom
Professor Henrietta Moore, University College London, United Kingdom
Hannah Sender, University College London, United Kingdom
Professor Jolene Skordis, University College London, United Kingdom
Dr Zoe Hoare, Bangor University, United Kingdom
Professor Lena Verdeli, Columbia University, United States
Dr Fouad Fouad, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Professor Ghida Anani, ABAAD, Lebanon
Dr Manasi Kumar, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Dr Andrew Nyandigisi, Health Strat, Kenya
Dr Lucina Koyio, Nairobi City County Goverment, KenyaTrial Statistician
Rachel Evans, Bangor University, United Kingdom
Trial Coordinators
Principal research coordinator, London
Dr Elizabeth Simes, University College London, United Kingdom trial coordinators, Kenya
Dr Beatrice Madeghe, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Nduku Wambua, University of Nairobi, KenyaLocal trial coordinator, Lebanon
Pardi Maradian, National Mental Health Programme, Lebanon- Useful Links
1. Information on postnatal depression:
Postnatal depression, Royal College of Psychiatrists (
2. ISRCTN record of the trial: ISRCTN52076264
- Contact
Contact the trial coordinator directly:
Tweet the Psychoanalysis unit @UCL_PSA
- Participant/Clinician Portal
Open in due course