Selected Recent Conference Presentations
25 years trying to show child and adolescent therapy outcomes to the outside world. Annual Research Lecture, British Psychoanalytical Society, London.
Attachment through development. Masterclass on Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy, Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, London.
A Clinician’s View of Research – and a researcher’s view of clinical work. Paper to the International Psychoanalytic Association’s Biennial Congress, London.
Introduction to Psychoanalytic Theories of Depression. Beijing University Dept of Psychiatry, Beijing.
Introduction to Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy. Beijing University Dept of Psychiatry, Beijing.
Attachment and the Mentalization Model. Beijing University Dept of Psychiatry, Beijing.
The case of Dr C. Beijing University Dept of Psychiatry, Beijing.
Thin-skinned narcissism and pretending. Beijing University Dept of Psychiatry, Beijing.
Mentalization in psychoanalytic work. Beijing University Dept of Psychiatry, Beijing.
Attachment and mentalization: common factors in effective therapeutic practice? Keynote presentation to the Chinese
Association of Mental Health, Beijing.
Some thoughts about supervision. Confer conference on psychotherapy supervision, London.
Faustian Bargains. Main paper to UCL Conference on Depression, London
Research Masterclass. International Conference on Depression. UCL.
Improving Mood With Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy And Cognitive Behaviour Therapy:
The IMPACT study. International Conference on Depression. UCL.
Mentalising within intensive analysis with a borderline patient. Conference on Peripheral Visions. Sir Henry Wellcome Institute for Mood Disorders Research, University of Exeter.
Mentalising within intensive analysis with a borderline patient. Conference of the Polish Psychoanalytical Society, Warsaw.
A view of sexuality and attachment in the couple. Conference of Tavistock Relationships, London.
Disgust in the eye of the other: Distortions of psychosexuality through normal affect mirroring, and working with the varieties of sexuality. Keynote address, International DGPT Conference, Lindau, Germany.
Clinical technique in the light of character development: An attachment theory perspective. National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei.
Relating to memories of abuse and trauma. National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei.
Is our sexuality our own? A developmental model of sexuality based on early affect mirroring. National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei.
Working with recovered memories of early child abuse: Setting aside the then and staying with the now. National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei.
Using Winnicott’s concept of the “use of an object” to engage more reluctant patients. National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei.
The outcomes of treatment for adolescent depression: report of an RCT and integrated qualitative study. Scientific Meeting. Institute of Child Health, London.
The interface of psychoanalysis and attachment. Public lecture. Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, London.
Poor psychotherapy outcomes: how to manage treatments to best effect. Public lecture. Stockholm University, Dept of Psychology.
Is MBT old wine in new bottles? 4th International Conference on MBT. Royal Society of Medicine, London.
Psychology and psychoanalysis. Lecture to the Independent Social Research Foundation Annual Workshop, theme: Discovery and Recognition. Museum of London.
Understanding self-development and relating in analysis: Roles of attachment and mentalization. Freud Anniversary Conference. Freud Museum, London.
What forms of evidence might throw light on the value of psychoanalysis? Lecture to Summer School of the Institute of Psychoanalysis, Birkbeck College, London.
20/20 hindsight : Insights from programs of family and child research over several decades. Invited semi-plenary presentation, Society for Psychotherapy Research Annual International Conference, Jerusalem, Israel.
Issues in psychotherapy technique considered through a lens of attachment and mentalization. Public Lecture, University of Milan, Italy.
The mentalization framework and symbolization. Interdisciplinary conference on Symbolization, UCL.
Getting to know and represent the self through the other. Oxford University and Confer joint conference on 'Where are the boundaries of Self and Other?: Pathologies on the frontiers of identity', London.
Mirroring of emotion in early attachment and the psychoanalytic situation. Presentation to the Danish Psychoanalytic Society, Copenhagen, Denmark.
The Place of Psychodynamic Theory and Technique. One Day Conference on CBT vs Psychodynamic Therapies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
The empirical evidence base of psychoanalysis: oxymoron, fact or both? Conference on Philosophy and Psychoanalysis, University of London.
Developments and Issues in MBT. Keynote presentation to Annual Conference of Danish Psychologists. Hindsgavl Slot, Denmark.
Theories and technique in helping highly narcissistic patients. University of Innsbruck Dept of Psychiatry, Austria.
The Relation between Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Mentalization: Some Comments on Technical Issues with Reference to a Borderline Case. Public Lecture, University of Vienna.
Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy. Dept of Education, University of Vienna.
Mentalization, attachment and relational processes: research issues. Dept of Education, University of Vienna.
The value of psychoanalytic research. Summer School lecture, Birkbeck College, London.
Relating, representation and regulation: mentalization as embodied cognition rooted in ongoing attachment. Keynote presentation to the British Association of Art Therapists Annual Conference, London.
Attachment relationships as the backbone of emotional, social and cognitive functioning. Public lecture, Catholic University of Lima, Peru.
Mentalization and the Unconscious. Freud Museum and the British Journal of Psychotherapy joint conference, London.
Affect-regulation in psychotherapy with personality disorders. Helping Borderline and Narcissistic Patients to Develop: One Day Symposium. Ottawa, Canada.
What is the use of relationships? Reflections from infant and adult mirroring. Enid Balint Memorial Lecture. London, UK.
Technical issues in treating relational trauma. One Day Seminar, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
Trauma and the mind. Conference on Trauma and Identity, International Psychoanalytic University, Berlin, Germany.
Attachment and therapeutic action. International Symposium on models of psychotherapy. Amsterdam, Netherlands
Attachment and mentalization: the common factors in effective therapeutic practice. Keynote lecture, Royal Australia and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Annual Conference. Perth, Australia.
Using the developmental framework in psychotherapy for those with severe personality disorders. Royal Australia and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Annual Conference. Perth, Australia.
Keynote lecture, Conference of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Renaca, Chile.
The meaningful assessment of therapy outcomes: Incorporating a qualitative study into a randomized controlled trial evaluating the treatment of adolescent depression. University of Santiago, Chile.
"Every paper is a letter": some conflicts in clinical writing as a public, professional and private act. New Directions in Writing. Washington Center for Psychoanalysis. Washington DC, USA.
Looking for what is under the hood of attachment through development. In New Directions. Washington DC.
Affect Regulation in normal adolescence and young adulthood. In New Directions. Washington DC.
Affect-Regulation and Mentalization in Psychotherapy. In New Directions. Washington DC.
Early attachment as expressed in affect regulation. Society of Analytical Psychology. London, UK.
The Relevance of Mentalization in Intensive Analytic Work. Menninger Symposium on Mentalization. Houston, TX, USA.
The future of an illusion. Plenary paper to Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy NOW Annual Conference. London, UK.
A scientific model of affect regulation in development and in psychoanalytic technique. Invited Major Paper to the 8th Congress of the International Psychoanalytic Association. Prague, Czech Republic.
The underpinnings of affect regulation and learning: mentalization capacities and the attachment context. Creating Connections. Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Infantile relating and its implications for therapeutic work. Tenth International Symposium: Advances in psychological interventions and mentalization. Córdoba, Spain.
Conference of the Oregon Psychoanalytic Centre, Portland OR.
1) A discussion of the role of recovering memories of early experience versus working in the transference;
2) Using Winnicott's concepts to think about initiating analysis with resistant patients;
3) An exploration of how early "embodied" experiences are expressed in analysis.
Oregon Health Sciences University, Dept of Psychiatry. Invited Grand Rounds: "Treating Teens Suffering Moderate Depression: Research Design and Rationale of an RCT Examining the Impact of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, and Medication Management".
Oregon Psychoanalytic Centre, Portland OR. The Development of a Sense of Psychic Reality.
British Psychoanalytic Council Conference on Homosexuality. Exploring the complexities of conscious and unconscious sexual orientation in the clinical relationship (with Leezah Hertzmann).
Keynote presentation to Cambridge Convention of Independent Psychoanalysts. "Stage I - hesitation. Patients who back away from engagement."
Issues in technique with entrenched personality disorders. Innsbruck University, Austria.
Plenary presentation at UCL/AFC conference on Mentalisation. London. "What does it mean to base treatment on mentalization?"
Paris. World Congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP). "Child attachment and mental health".
Norway - Oslo University. Reflective Functioning, Attachment and Personality Disorders: the role of deceit.
Porto, Portugal: Society for Psychotherapy Research Annual Conference. Using mixed methods within a psychotherapy RCT.
"The impact of early life environments on development" Presentation to Ministerial Seminar, UK Dept for Education.
The Capacity for Self-Observation in Psychotherapy. Linköping University, Sweden.
Invited Annual Research Lecture at the Institute of Psychoanalysis, London. "Testing Times: The demand for evidence and the future of child analytic work."
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