We hope that the following FAQs sections will be helpful, but if you
have any further questions or if you would like to receive further
information about any aspect of the programme, please do not hesitate to contact us.
- Programme Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Does the MSc entail clinical training/practice? Does the MSc allow students to obtain a license to practice psychotherapy?
A. This program does NOT certify you to practise psychotherapy. This is an academic course following the history of psychoanalysis to the present day and, as such, offers a rich and solid theoretical understanding of psychoanalysis. However, there is no clinical element to the programme so students wishing to pursue clinical training would need to go on to do so independently from the programme. Current students can consult the Programme Tutor for advice about voluntary work, clinical placements, etc. but these are, again, not formally part of the programme.
Q. I have studied a related subject in a different institution. Can I transfer part of my credits?
A. Unfortunately we do not currently accept transfer of credits from other institutions, nor from other programmes within UCL.
Q. Do you offer the MSc as a distance-learning programme?
A. Unfortunately we do not currently offer the MSc as a distance-learning programme.
Q. Are there funds or grants within the University or department which may be able to assist with the cost of the course?
A. Unfortunately the programme does not currently offer any bursaries, but funding options may be available for both UK/EU and International Students. For information on entry scholarships and other sources of funding for Graduate students please see UCL Graduate Scholarships.
Q. Does the Psychoanalysis Unit accept mature students?
A. Yes, we accept students of all ages providing they meet the programme admission requirements. More information about UCL's Equal Opportunities Policy.
Q. Does the department offer a summer course in theoretical psychoanalysis?
A. Unfortunately we do not offer a summer programme. You would need to take the MSc as a whole, full-time, part-time or as a flexible/modular student from September to September.
Q. How do I apply? Is it possible to have an application form emailed to me?
A. Applications should be made online through the Admissions Portal in the first instance. If you are interested in applying after the deadline for online applications, please contact the Programme Administrator directly.
Q. Is there an application fee to apply for this program?
A. UCL charges an application processing fee for all postgraduate taught programmes.
Q. What is the procedure for selection for International students?
A. The application process is the same for Home, EU and International students. All applications are processed online and, as part of the application, applicants must submit scanned copies of previous education and scanned copies of language qualification, if relevant. Guidelines on international degree equivalences and evidence of English Language Requirement accepted by UCL can be found on the MSc Theoretical Psychoanalytic Studies prospectus page.
Q. In the event that UCL is not satisfied with my level of English, is it possible to take a course before the academic year begins?
A. The UCL Centre for Language and International Education offers a range of programmes, including Pre-Sessional and In-Sessional English Language courses. Further details may be obtained from the Centre. Applicants should be aware, however, that the English Language Requirement must be met prior to enrolment.
Q. I am applying from overseas and cannot attend an interview in person.
A. We are happy to arrange telephone or Skype interviews for International students who are unable to attend the unit in person.
Q. Graduate students in the US are required to take GRE's (Graduate Record Exams) and submit scores with application for graduate study. Are there any such requirements in the UK?
A. You do not need to pass a Graduate Record Exam, only ensure that you meet the entry requirements outlined in the MSc Application Site.
Q. What Masters courses are available within the Research Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology?
A. The Department currently runs four MSc programmes, details of which can be found here.
- Foundation Course FAQs
Q. What is the Foundation Course optional pathway for the MSc?
A. Students accepted onto the Foundation Course at the Institute of Psychoanalysis in London can request to be assessed by UCL on the Foundation Course theoretical (lecture) material to count for one module of the MSc Theoretical Psychoanalytical Studies.
Those given approval to take up this option choose the MSc Module 99PSGFC1 - Foundation Course, in place of Module PSYCGT13 - Applications of Psychoanalysis.
Q. If I have applied to UCL for a place on the MSc and want to do the Foundation Course, do I need to apply separately to the Institute of Psychoanalysis?
A. Yes. Acceptance onto the Foundation Course at the Institute is entirely independent from acceptance onto the MSc Theoretical Psychoanalytic Studies at UCL. The application processes for both are different. Any queries about applying to the Foundation Course should be directed to the Institute of Psychoanalysis.
Q. If I am accepted onto both the MSc and onto the Foundation Course, does that mean I can automatically take the optional pathway MSc module?
A. No. Places on the optional pathway MSc module are limited and are allocated on a first come, first served basis. We therefore strongly recommend that anyone wishing to take this route apply as early as possible to both programmes. Places on the optional pathway MSc module can only be allocated once a student has been accepted onto both programmes.
Q. Do the MSc and the Foundation Course have the same start and end dates?
A. No, these are separately organised courses with separate timetables. The MSc course starts in late September and teaching continues over three terms until June, when the exams are held. Students then write the dissertation for submission at the end of the summer. The Foundation Course will have different term dates to the MSc, which students should be aware of when planning their studies.
Q. If I am taking the optional pathway MSc module, do I still have to complete all the other MSc modules?
A. Students taking the optional pathway take Module 99PSGFC1 - Foundation Course as an alternative to Module PSYCGT13 - Applications of Psychoanalysis. However they take all the other MSc modules in the usual way (PSYCGT10 - Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Theory/Freud Reading Seminars; PSYCGT11 - Major Schools of Psychoanalysis; PSYCGT12 - Core Psychoanalytic Theory, and PSYCGT98 - the Dissertation). Please note that students taking module 99PSGFC1 - Foundation Course will not need to or be permitted to be assessed on module PSYCGT13 - Applications of Psychoanalysis.
Q. Can I choose the optional pathway MSc module 99PSGFC1 - Foundation Course in place of any of the MSc modules, other than Applications of Psychoanalysis?
A. No, the optional pathway module can only be taken as an alternative to module PSYCGT13 - Applications of Psychoanalysis.
Q. Can I still attend the PSYCGT13 - Applications of Psychoanalysis taught seminars, even if I have chosen to take module 99PSGFC1 - Foundation Course instead?
A. No. Unfortunately students attending the Foundation course are unable to also attend Module PSYCGT13 Applications of Psychoanalysis. This is due to the fact that students from this module are not allowed to attend the Foundation course and therefore it would be unfair.
Q. How is my Foundation Course work assessed for the MSc?
A. While all the Foundation Course teaching takes place at the Institute of Psychoanalysis, students will be assessed on the theoretical (lecture) material by UCL for MSc module 99PSGFC1 - Foundation Course (30 credits). The assessment will be by one 2,500 word essay and one examination (2 hours, 2 questions). Specific essay and exam questions are devised for students taking module 99PSGFC1, which are appropriate to their Foundation Course learning.
Q. Will I be charged different tuition fees if I am taking the Foundation Course optional pathway?
A. Students taking the optional pathway pay the full standard UCL tuition fees for the MSc. However, they pay a reduced tuition fee to the Institute for the Foundation Course - as UCL funds a substantial part of their Foundation Course fee directly to the Institute.
Q. If I am studying for the MSc on a flexible rather than full-time basis, can I still take the Foundation Course optional pathway?
A. Yes, but you must be registered at the Institute of Psychoanalysis for the Foundation Course in the same year during which you opt for MSc module 99PSGFC1 - Foundation Course at UCL. You should also remember that places on the MSc module 99PSGFC1 - Foundation Course in any given year are limited and are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Q. If I am already studying the Foundation Course at the Institute, can I take module 99PSGFC1 - Foundation Course as part of the MSc Theoretical Psychoanalytic Studies in the following year?
A. No - you would need to be registered for the Foundation Course at the Institute in the same year during which you take module 99PSGFC1 - Foundation Course as part of the MSc. You cannot be assessed by UCL retrospectively for Foundation Course material studied in a previous year.