
Psychoanalysis Unit


Endings and Beginnings

29 November 2024–01 December 2024, 9:00 am–6:00 pm


The UCL Psychoanalysis Unit Conference, organised by Dr David Taylor. A hybrid event – in person at UCL’s Bloomsbury campus and online

Event Information

Open to



Psychoanalysis Unit


Cruciform Building
Gower Street


All living things - plants as well as animals - have life cycles that are finite. Human beings are no exception. What makes us different is self-awareness: we remember a past and anticipate a future.

Developmental phases and the generations extend and overlap. Yet, birth is the indisputable prototype for a new beginning, as death is that for ending. Because of the enormous power of the feelings evoked by these, the geological facts of life, their reverberation affects every level of our being. Every birth signifies previous births, every loss, final loss.

This UCL Conference examines the psychology of beginnings and endings in psychoanalytic depth.

Register Here




Starting out in Life

Becky Hall (Association of Child Psychotherapists and British Psychoanalytic Association, UK)

The Echo of Time in Psychoanalysis

Elizabeth Gibb (British Psychoanalytical Society)

Known By Another : the foundations of self-knowledge

David Taylor (British Psychoanalytical Society, Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust, University College London, UK)

Paradigm Change for the Psyche: the end of the beginning?

Ronald Britton (British Psychoanalytical Society, UK), Karen Yirmiya (University College London and Anna Freud, UK), and Peter Fonagy (University College London, UK)

Saturday Afternoon Panels

Saturday afternoon panels will have presentations by Tomasz Fortuna, Inge Pretorius, Bernard Roberts (chair), Teresa Sarmiento, Ann Sloboda, Hannah Solemani (contributing chair), and Heather Wood


The Clinical Seminars 

Evening Clinical Seminars

Friday 29 November, 1800 - 19.45 (GMT)

Clinical Seminar Leaders include Catalina Bronstein, Peter Fonagy, Gigliola Fornari Spoto, Shirley B Hiscock, Francesca Hume, Daniel Pick, Kate Pugh, and David Taylor.

Some will be in-person at Senate House or in the seminar leaders own consulting room. Other clinical seminars will be online via Zoom. More clinical seminars may be offered online if there is demand.

Locations: please see the registration website for the location of particular clinical seminars


The Further Contributions Forum

Call for Abstracts 

The Conference Delegate Pack will include synopses of a selection of the thought-provoking work you send us, which for reasons of space or thematic continuity cannot be included in the programme. Often these come from younger contributors and/or contributors from other disciplines  – although equally, they may be established and well-known to us all. We benefit greatly from both categories. All the abstracts will be reviewed, and if suitable will be included in the Conference Packs. We are grateful to all the authors / contributors who send them.

The deadline to submit an abstract has passed. If you are still interested in the opportunity, please write to events.psychoanalysis@ucl.ac.uk 



After the event itself a recording of the conference will be available to registered participants (on request) for 4 weeks.


Further Information

The conference will begin on 09.00 (GMT) Saturday 30 November, and will finish at 13.30 (GMT) on Sunday 1 December 2024.

For all queries in relation to this Conference please contact events.psychoanalysis@ucl.ac.uk

Image credit: Tom Miller ©