The CBT manual has been produced from funding by the NIHR RfPB project PB-PG-O807-14121 as part of a feasibility and pilot randomised controlled trial of CBT in people with mild to moderate learning disability and mood disorders. It describes the session contents step-by-step and provides general information (e.g. communication tips) that can be used when treating a person with mild to moderate learning disbility and mood disorders with CBT. The manual is accompanied by worksheets and related materials to be used during the session or at home. We would recommend that some additional support by a family member or paid carer is added as usually people find it hard to manage homework and to practice the various activities. The manual is useful to all clinicians but particularly those working in IAPT services and at GP surgeries who may be referred adults with mild to moderate LD for therapy. Some of the materials and general learning can be applied to other patient groups where impairment in communication and understanding require adaptations in treatment.
"I think this manual is brilliant!" Clinical Psychologist
"Loved the work and worksheets in your manual and would like to incorporate and use in my work with the IDD population" Psychologist and Behavior Therapist
- Click here to download: "A manual of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for People with Learning Disabilities and Common Mental Disorders"
- Click here to download our: "Guide for carers" document
- Click here to download CBT information sheets
- Click here to download CBT resource sheets
- Click here to download CBT work sheets