


Uploading Audio Files

UCL uses the Dropbox facility, which is a secure way to upload audio files and other documents to the system.

This section will show you how to upload the audio files of the sessions you have with the participants. You are also able to upload other session documentation including Microsoft Word documents, such as the Patient Appointment Schedule and CBT Components Checklist.

Using Dropbox

This video will show you the procedure for uploading an audio file into the UCL Dropbox facility. 

Uploading should be done at the end of every session, or once a participant has completed all of their sessions. Please remember to name each file you upload with the participant ID and session number.

If Dropbox doesn't work...

If you are not able to access Dropbox due to restrictions on your computer, you may be able to encrypt the audio file yourself. You can then email it to the CanTalk Study Coordinator.

To do this you will need:

  • Encryption software such as 7zip (this is free to download)
  • Then Encrypt the file
  • Email the encrypted file to the CanTalk Study Coordinator
  • Send a separate email with details of the password required to decrypt

Things to remember

  • Please ask participants if they consent to you recording their sessions. Ensure that they sign and date the Audio Consent Form. If they do not, this is not a problem and will not preclude them from continuing their sessions with you.
  • Upload audio and other documentation after each session, or when the participant has completed all sessions
  • Name each upload file with the participant's CanTalk Study ID and session number NOT with identifiable information such as surnames, initials or NHS numbers
  • The researchers on the CanTalk Study team must remain BLINDED to a participant's treatment allocation, so please contact the CanTalk Study Coordinator in the first instance.