


The BID project

BID: A Pilot randomised controlled trial of one to one Befriending by volunteers, compared to Usual Care, in reducing symptoms of depression in people with Intellectual Disability

Summary of project

Befriending is a relationship between two individuals, initiated, supported and monitored by an agency, which aims to help individuals who are lonely, isolated and have limited opportunities for community participation. Befriending has been found to have some beneficial effects on depression but at present there are no published trials on the impact of befriending on depressive symptoms in people with intellectual disability. The main aim of the BID study is to assess the recruitment rate of participants, the number of successfully matched pairs of volunteers and individuals with intellectual disabilities and the drop-out rate participants. The study will also examine the effects of befriending on symptoms of depression in people with intellectual disability, as well as other outcomes such as self-esteem and quality of life, and will examine the impact of befriending on volunteers such as their wellbeing and attitudes towards people with intellectual disability.

Recuitment of volunteers

We are actively looking for volunteer befrienders to join the study.  Please get in touch with a member of the study team if you are interested.

Volunteers will be linked with one of the following befriending charities; Outward (London)  and The Befriending Scheme (Suffolk)

Through the befriending charity, volunteers will be matched with an individual with intellectual disability and the befriending relationship will be supported and monitored by the staff at the charity.

The role of volunteers

  • Providing befriending to an individual with intellectual disability once a week over six months

  • Listening and communicating with people with intellectual disability

  • Participating in activities with the individual you are matched with and helping to engage them with the local community