Our Programmes

The Ecosystem Project
A partnership between UCL Policy Lab and the This Day Foundation
The Ecosystem Project, a partnership between UCL Policy Lab and This Day foundation. Drawing on UCL’s almost 200-year history of leading disruptive change, it brings community campaigners, innovators, policy experts, researchers and civic leaders together, so as they can better understand how to bring about social improvement together. As the issues confronting the world become ever more pressing and intractable, building this shared vision has never been more urgent.

Ordinary hope: how can we power the future of economic and social justice?
A partnership between UCL Policy Lab and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, facilitating deep relationships to support social and economic change.
Ordinary Hope is organised by leaders from academia, philanthropy, media, community campaigning and organising, politics, public service and more. All our members are driven by deep commitments to both tackling social and economic injustices and to working collaboratively and with respect across the differences that too often divide us.

Citizen Portraits
In partnership with artist Jørn Tomter.
The Citizen Portrait project highlights the voices of individuals and communities too often unheard yet vital to our understanding of the complex challenges we face.

Ensuring Sustainable Development
With theme leads Dr Fergus Green and Dr Gabriel Ulyssea With climate change becoming the defining economic and political challenge of our age, the UCL Policy Lab explores shared solutions. Utilising expertise in economics, political science and beyond, we work with partners in the global south to convene discussions and new research on critical issues for development.

Challenging Inequalities and Protecting Rights
With theme lead Dr Alex Hartman We live at a time of vast political, economic, and social inequalities, where many people feel their rights are under threat. Working with partners from academia, community, government and business we aim to find innovative solutions in the UK and across the world.

Promoting Democracy and Peace
With theme leads Dr Jack Blumenau and Dr Manuel Vogt Democracies worldwide are confronted by populism, conflict and authoritarianism, UCL Policy Lab aims to promote democratic strengthening and help overcome decay, conflict and peace. Bringing together world-leading researchers with civil society, governments and businesses, we look to generate new ideas and support new practices.

Rethinking Economic Policy & Decision Making
With theme leads Prof Lucy Barnes and Dr Ramin Nassehi Across the world, debates on economic performance, living standards and productivity are rapidly intensifying. Drawing together macroeconomic and monetary policy expertise from across UCL and elsewhere, we work to find policy solutions that can meet the emerging economic challenges. With partner organisations in communities, we also bring the real-life impacts of economic policy to the attention of decision-makers.