IPLS Meet-Up November 2022
16 November 2022, 2:00 pm–4:30 pm

Event Information
Open to
- All
2nd Floor Seminar Room (2.30), LMCBMRC BuildingGower StreetLondonWC1E 6BT
At termly IPLS Meet-ups researchers working at the interface of physics and biology at UCL and neighbouring institutions present their work. Meet-ups are a great opportunity to learn about the latest interdisciplinary research.
14:00-14:15 Magnus Haughey (Huang Lab - QMUL)
“First passage time analysis of spatial mutation patterns reveals sub-clonal evolutionary dynamics in colorectal cancer”
14:15-14:30 Neythen Treloar (Barnes Lab - UCL)
“Reinforcement learning and optimal experimental design”
14:30-14:45 Jessica Williams (Pearson Lab - UCL)
“Biodiversity and the resilience of nature’s benefits to people: a case study of pollination and pest management in South Africa”
14:45-15:00 Break
15:00-15:15 Zeno Messi (Goehring Lab - Crick)
“Traction forces mediate edge activity during cell polarisation”
15:15-15:30 Mohit Dalwadi
“Robustness of biological pattern formation in spatio-temporal morphogen variations”
15:30-15:45 Andreas Mayer
“Measuring ecological diversity with error bars”
16:00 Drinks Reception (LMCB Coffee Room)
Host: Wenying Shou