IPLS Quantitative Basics in Python Workshops
22 October 2021–09 November 2021, 9:30 am–11:00 am

Event Information
Open to
- All
We are organising six online workshops intended as an introduction to python for people with little programming background. These will take the form of interactive workshops each lasting 1.5h, consisting of 1h of tuition and 30min of supervised exercise. They start on 22nd October and run every Friday and Tuesday between 9.30-11am for three weeks (22 Oct, 26 Oct, 29 Oct, 2 Nov,5 Nov and 9 Nov). You will be required to attend all six workshops so please only register if you can attend all six sessions. A Certificate of Attendance will be provided for attending all tutoring sessions and for completion of most of the exercises to a good standard.
Topics will be:
- Elementary Basics – variables, basic data types, functions, and logic flow controls
- Advanced Basics – lists, tuples, dictionaries, numpy and basic plotting
- Dynamics – Numerical differentiation and integration in Python
- Stochasticity – Random numbers & sampling from probability distributions
- Data – data tables, data operations and time series data handling with pandas
- Regression – Linear algebra and linear regression
Registration is free but places are limited. Please register here: https://forms.gle/LY9s6hmsVVqvUrRg9
Application deadline: 9am Monday 11th October 2021.
Successful applicants will be contacted by Friday 15th October 2021.