IPLS Meet-Up June 2019
21 June 2019, 12:30 pm–2:00 pm

At termly IPLS Meet-ups researchers working at the interface of physics and biology at UCL and neighbouring institutions present their work.
Event Information
Open to
- All
Room A1/3, 4th FloorPhysics BuildingGower StreetLondonWC1E 6BT
At termly IPLS Meet-ups researchers working at the interface of physics and biology at UCL and neighbouring institutions present their work. Meet-ups are a great opportunity to learn about the latest interdisciplinary research.
The talks will be followed by our IPLS Summer Picnic in Gordan Square Gardens. Food and drinks will be provided so please RSVP by 7th June here.
12:30 Claire Walsh - Walker-Samuel Lab
“Computationally generating realistic cancer-tissue microstructures”
12:45 Manasi Kelkar - Charras Lab
“The role of cell mechanics in division orientation in epithelia”
13:00 Anna Hafner - Saric Lab
“Physical Modeling of ESCRTIII-mediated division in archea
13:15 Prof. Nick Lane and Prof. Andrew Pomiankowski
“The origins of heredity in protocells”
14:30 IPLS Summer Picnic (Gordon Square Gardens)