- Social Media
Social media has changed the way the world communicates. It has provided UCL PALS with the opportunity to engage with our students, faculty, staff, alumni, colleagues, prospective staff, students and donors in the quickest and most popular way possible, whilst extending the reach of our community.
Social media is a term that refers to methods of allowing website users to easily publish content online. This can include:
• writing blogs
• adding comments to others' blogs
• publishing videos, audio or images on the Web
• posting content on a social network site, such as Twitter or Facebook
• collaborating on an online project (e.g. a Wikipedia article)Have your news, journals, photographs, and events shared by UCL PALS Social media by contacting pals-news-events@ucl.ac.uk
- Videos
If you are thinking about making a professional video, we suggest you contact Jake Fairnie who has many years of experience creating films for UCL and will be able to advise as to the steps required to produce a broadcast quality video.
- Website guidelines
All staff with a web presence should read the PALS Web Guidelines which details information including the purpose of the site, content themes, requests for new pages and editor responsibilities.
Any website requests should be sent to the EO to the HoD - please note that not all requests for a PALS- or UCL-hosted website will be granted as this is dependent on the nature of the proposed site. Research/lab sites should ideally be created off the PALS/UCL domain using WordPress, google sites etc.
- Websites: use of the UCL Logo on sites outside of UCL
If you have created a website outside of the UCL domain (e.g. on Wordpress, Google Sites, Squarespace or similar) for your research or lab, you can still use the UCL logo on your site.
However, please note that the UCL legal team require all UCL staff who use the logo that permission to use the UCL name and logo is for this specific research website and UCL can choose to withdraw permission at any time.
- Websites: image use
The Web Guidelines have a specific section about the use of images for you to read.
It is good practice to use relevant images on your webpages. Before using any image
you must check the copyright. If you are unsure of the copyright status of an image
do not use it.Please try to avoid using images found from Google image searches or other search engines as it is difficult to know the provenance/copyright status of these images.
Useful image banks:
UCL Image Store: images used from the UCL Image Store should - wherever possible - have a copyright statement attached, a good simple solution is to use - © UCL Creative Media Services)Share your images
If you have good quality images taken at UCL of your teaching and/or research,
please consider sending them to the EO to the HoD so that they can be used across
the full range of the Division’s multimedia.Free stock images online
There are some websites which provide free stock images under creative commons, and which do not require attribution – but please always double-check the copyright before using any images.
Free image sites include:
StockSnap Life of Pix The Faculty has a small number images relating to brain sciences for use (see Annex 1 of the web guidelines) – please contact h.lilley@ucl.ac.uk for images. It's worth bearing in mind that these images are regularly used and may pop up elsewhere on your website. The Faculty of MAPS has useful information and links for images UCL News Flickr:permission from CAMS may be required to download and/or use images. SLMS Flickr: these images came from a SLMS photography competition - entrants retain copyright of the images they submitted, but all entrants granted UCL royalty-free nonexclusive licence to publish and exhibit their photographs in print, on their websites or in any other media. No fees will be payable for any of the above uses. Every effort should be made to credit the photographer(s) when an image is used.
- Websites: Homepages.UCL responsive website template
Students and staff who want a web presence can use the homepages.ucl system. A HTML template for a responsive one-page website is available for staff and students in PALS to download. The homepages.ucl system uses your UCL UserID as the web address e.g.:http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~ucyxxxx.
Download the instructions and other information required to create your homepages.ucl webpage.