
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Kantar Public UK

Booth Format: Four 30-minute sessions starting at 4pm UK Time. This will consist of 10 min presentation & 20 min Q&A

Virtual Room Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZjE3ZmExZDctMDkzZi00YjhhLTg1ODQtOGNjNDFkZDcwNDMy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%221e355c04-e0a4-42ed-8e2d-7351591f0ef1%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22823fba66-7f1d-4e74-bcc0-ec019d062568%22%7d

Who we are

Welcome to our page! We are the Behavioural Practice at Kantar Public UK. We’re a full-service behavioural science consultancy focused on addressing the myriad challenges faced by government and the wider public sector. We are a multidisciplinary team which brings together expertise in applied behavioural science, qualitative and quantitative research, interventions and experimental design, and complex analysis and modelling. We work across the breadth of the public sector, on topics from Covid-19 vaccination to adult skills and career progression to online disinformation. Our work is always interesting; it often involves sensitive issues, knotty problems and vulnerable audiences; and it makes a real difference to the world we live in.

Our many current projects include online experiments to test a range of behavioural interventions, from adjustments to social media interfaces to address people’s vulnerability to disinformation, to communications aimed at improving compliance with face-covering regulations on public transport; qualitative research that will inform our design of interventions to reduce workers’ risk-taking in the waste and recycling sector; and a field trial involving partnership working with appliance manufacturers to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions in increasing levels of product registration. And much more besides, of course.

What we do

The Behavioural Practice’s work involves client consultancy, primary qualitative and quantitative research, literature review and secondary data analysis, creative ideation, online and offline experimentation, and full-scale field trials. We utilize this range of skills across our comprehensive DEEP project structure, in which we:

  • Define the specific behaviour and audience groups of interest, desired outcomes, factors that are likely to be influential, and opportunities for intervening.  
  • Explore the personal, social and contextual factors that influence current behaviour and will promote and inhibit the desired behaviour, to identify motivations that can be leveraged, barriers that can be removed, and methods and channels for doing so.  
  • Execute and test a range of interventions ideas based on insights from the Explore phase, targeted and designed to address the objectives identified in the Define phase.  
  • Prove the effectiveness of the most relevant and promising of the interventions ideas, and the reasons for this effectiveness, to provide firm recommendations for which to adopt, and how to improve them further before wider roll out.

Currently we’re working with the Home Office, DCMS, FCDO, DfT, Defra, HSE, NHSBT, NHSE, PHE, Food Standards Agency, DHSC, BEIS, DfE, Ofgem, the Social Mobility Commission – the list goes on.

What it’s like here

No two days are ever the same, but typically you will be working on a number of projects with varying scales and speeds. You might be running qualitative interviews or focus groups to gather insight into behaviour, running logic model workshops, developing interventions concepts with clients using our Moments of Change ideation game, brainstorming ideas for a discrete choice experiment, setting up an experiment in our Behaviour Change Lab, doing a literature review, contributing to a presentation or an article for publication, or managing delivery partners to get a trial into field. Over time, we’ll support you in developing areas of specialist expertise, drawing on the range of opportunities available within the team and our wider business.

The Behavioural Practice is part of Kantar Public, one of the UK’s leading social research agencies. Our statement of purpose – ‘We exist to help make society better’ – sums up our commitment to providing knowledge, evidence and insight that helps care for society. With over 100 specialist researchers, we undertake a range of work including the biggest of big public surveys; bespoke quant and qual insight pieces to support Government policy; large-scale deliberative research; attitude tracking and polling; behavioural insight and interventions design; and communications development and evaluation.

What you’re like

There’s no single ‘right person’ for our team, but it’s more likely that you’ll enjoy us and we’ll love you if you:

  • Hold a relevant Master’s degree (e.g. behavioural science, experimental economics, psychology).
  • Have an interest in Government behaviour change work
  • Are ambitious, interested in innovation and creative thinking, and excited by being challenged
  • Relish the opportunity to contribute to a growing, innovative team which is both well established and always keen to improve and push the boundaries

How does the hiring process work?

We have direct role openings in the Behavioural Practice at Research Executive and Senior Research Executive levels. The hiring process usually involves a written application and CV and an interview. In the first instance, please send your CV and a letter outlining your interest in and suitability for a role in the team to Katie.Thornton@kantar.com, and we will contact you to make further arrangements.

Kantar Public also has a graduate scheme, which involves three rotations across the teams at Public (Behavioural Practice, Communications, National Statistics and Policy and Implementation). Graduates can spend two rotations in the same team if they have specific interest or expertise in that area.


Who will be representing Kantar at the fair

Katie Thornton (Senior Research Executive, MSc Behaviour Change , UCL, BSc Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Manchester)

Max Mawby (Director, MSc Cognition and Communication, Københavns Universitet)

Gabriela Gross (Research Manager, MSc Applied Psychology and Economic Behaviour, University of Bath, BSc Psychology, University of York)