
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Healthcare Research Worldwide (HRW)

Format: We will have eight 15-minute sessions with a 7-minute presentation and a 7-minute Q&A.

Virtual Room Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZTk1M2E5MzktNTIxZS00ZTMzLThlYzgtZTZkMzI5NzA3ZTll%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c3fd1e36-bb57-4634-ad5c-54df7ee77319%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%228495f49e-71d7-4650-b158-bfe48860f777%22%7d

We are a healthcare market research agency who work with major pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. We help clients to answer their business questions by designing and running qualitative and quantitive research projects with their customer groups (healthcare professionals and patients).

'HRW Shift' is an award-winning team of multidisciplinary behavioural science experts and thought leaders within HRW. The team uses observations from market research projects and applies their expertise in behavioural science to describe the cognitive mechanisms underpinning the observed behaviours, then takes it further with behaviour change modelling to recommend evidence-based strategies, tactics, and ‘nudges’ that our clients use to overcome barriers and connect with their customer groups.