
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Hamell Communications

Format: Four 30-minute sessions starting at 4pm. This will consist of a 10-minute presentation and 20-minute Q&A

Virtual Room Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82597632183

Passcode: 815145

Hamell is a full-service healthcare communications agency with evidence based behavioural understanding at the heart of everything we do. We are a small, independent agency who aim to change the behaviour of patients and healthcare professionals for good and for better to ultimately improve outcomes for patients.  

With help from notable behavioural experts across the globe, we have developed a panoptic and validated 360 methodology. With our robust methodology we get under the skin and into the minds of our audience to fully understand why they behave the way they do; why healthcare professionals prescribe as they do, and why patients and consumers adhere or not to their medications. We then use these insights to develop strategy and messaging that resonates on a much deeper and more personal level. 

Depending on your interests and skill set, you could join our research, planning, creative or accounts team. As a Research Executive, you might help to perform segmentation research and determine different physician types, understanding barriers and drivers of prescribing behaviour. As part of the planning or creative team you might use our insights to develop creative strategy or high-impact materials that really connect with individuals to create lasting behaviour change. As an Account Executive you would be involved at every stage – managing the running of the project and working directly with our clients at leading pharmaceutical companies and charities.  

Now is a really exciting time to be joining Hamell – although we are small, we are growing rapidly to meet the demand of some innovative new projects.  

Examples of charity work:

Examples of client work: visit this GDrive to view two posters and two booklets (one for caregivers and one for patients which won at the BMA awards last year)

For all general enquires or to apply for a position at Hamell, please email using the following address - admin@hamell.co.uk