
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


The Behavioural Insights Team

Format: Four 25-minute sessions. Entry to the room will occur at 4pm, 4:30pm, 5pm, and 5:30pm. More details on session format below.

Virtual Room Link: https://meet.google.com/cxo-ggsy-rhp

The Behavioural Insights Team - known globally as the world's first dedicated "Nudge Unit" - is the foremost behavioural science research consultancy in the world. Whether we’re working to encourage healthier eating, recycling or volunteering, we bring unrivalled expertise in behavioural science, a deep knowledge of public policy and the pragmatism to make change happen. Our focus is on the practical, often small things that make a big difference. It can be a single sentence in a letter or a text message from a friend.

We work closely with our partners to explore the motivations and experiences of real people. We then design and implement behavioural informed interventions, using rigorous evaluation approaches to assess the causal impact (or lack of impact) of the intervention. We usually do this through randomised controlled trials (RCTs), widely considered the gold standard, but we also apply and use a wide range of quasi-experimental designs as required.

We want the insights our work generates to translate to positive impact for as many people as possible. That’s why, increasingly, we also support government departments and local areas to roll out our interventions more widely. Our team has had substantial success across government in the UK and in more than 30 countries around the world.

Highlights include:

  • increasing tax payments to bring forward £200m extra revenue in 12 months;
  • 5–10 million fewer days on benefits each year after improving online systems for jobseekers; and
  • reducing antibiotic prescription by 3–4 per cent amongst the highest prescribing GPs, resulting in over 70,000 fewer prescriptions over a six-month period.

We have run over 780 projects to date, including 500 randomised controlled trials in dozens of countries over the past nine years – more than the rest of the UK government combined in its history. We have a wealth of insights and results to build on in continuing to shape policy and practice. An independent academic analysis in the US found that BIT's interventions improved outcomes by an average of 10% compared to business as usual.

Session Format: 

Session 1 : 4pm - 4:25pm

Session 2 : 4:30pm - 4:55pm

Session 3 : 5pm - 5:25pm

Session 4 : 5:30pm - 5:55pm

 Each session will comprise a) a 10 minutes presentation about working at the Behavioural Insights Team, and b) 10 minutes for Q+A.

 The sessions will be delivered via Google Meet. You do not need to sign up for a new account to join the session. Simply follow the meeting link and you will be taken right to the session.

 To ask questions during the session, please use the Q+A function of Google Meet.

When you join the session look for this menu in the top right corner of your screen:

Click on the third icon (triangle/square/circle), then click Q+A.


You will now be able to post a question, and also see any other questions that have already been posted. You can vote for questions you like by clicking the thumb icon next to a question.

During the session, the most upvoted questions will be answered.