
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Student Achievements

Many of our students produce very high quality projects that are awarded prizes, lead to publication or presentation at a conference.

Here we've highlighted some of the MSc Speech and Language Sciences students' achievements.


Meadows, B., Taylor, M., Rayment, T., Johnson, J. and Mahon, M. (2020) Video reflection: An emerging tool for training client-centred communication skills in staff supporting adults with learning disabilities in an education setting.  British Journal of Learning Disabilities Early View.

Friedland, J. & Mahon, M. (2018) Sister talk: investigating an older sibling’s responses to verbal challenges. Discourse Studies 20 (3) pp. 340-360.

Hawksley, R., Ludlow, F., Buttimer, H. and Bloch, S. (2017) Communication disorders in palliative care: investigating the views, attitudes and beliefs of speech and language therapists. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 23 (11), 543-551.

Rees, R., Fitzpatrick, C., Foulkes, J., Peterson, H., & Newton, C. (2017) Can explicit training in Cued Speech improve phoneme identification? Deafness & Education International, 19 (1) 13-21.

Rehbock, K. and Martelli, S. (2016) Postnatal ontogeny of the hyoid and tongue on human and chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) cadavers – implications for the relationship of the skeletal and muscular components of the hominoid supra-laryngeal vocal tract. Proceedings of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (PESHE) 5: 201.

Cowpe, E., Hanson, B. & Smith, C.H. (2014) What do parents of children with dysphagia think about their MDT? A qualitative study.  BMJ Open 4, 10 e005934

Smith, C. H., Jebson, E. M., & Hanson, B. (2014) Thickened fluids: Investigation of users' experiences and perceptions. Clinical Nutrition, 33(1), 171-174.

Rankin, E., Newton, C., Parker, A. & Bruce, C. (2014) Hearing loss and auditory processing ability in people with aphasia. Aphasiology 28(5), 576-595.

Smith, C.H., Teo, Y. & Simpson, S. (2014) An observational study of adults with Down syndrome eating independently. Dysphagia 29, 52-60.

Newton, C., Acres, K., Bruce, C. (2013) A comparison of computer-delivered and paper- based language tests with adults who have aphasia. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 22 (2), 185-197.

Govender, R., Breeson, L., Tuomainen, J., Smith, CH. (2013) Speech and Swallowing Rehabilitation after Head and Neck Cancer: Are we hearing the patient’s voice? Our experience with ten patients. Clinical Otolaryngology, 38, 433-437.

Rossiter, C. & Best, W. (2013) “Penguins don't fly”: An investigation into the effect of typicality on picture naming in people with aphasia, Aphasiology, 27:7, 784-798.

Project Prizes


Tavistock Trust for Aphasia Student Prize

Elizabeth Higgins: A group approach to Shape Coding therapy in adults with chronic non-fluent aphasia.

Camelia Sadeghi: The impact of hearing self-voice in people with aphasia.

Clare Tarplee Project Prize

Wilson: Assessing the effects of a Structured Questioning Approach (GROW model) for support sessions: helping goal-attainment, well-being and quality of life.

Ashton Bower: A profile of the self-perceived psychosocial impact of chronic, organic voice disorders in the adolescent population and the factors that affect this.

Nata Goulandris Project Prize

Chantell Maxwell: Helping deaf children to speechread: an investigation into explicit cued speech training for school-aged deaf children.


Tavistock Trust for Aphasia Student Prize

Leo Morgan: Language lateralisation in aphasia.

Clare Tarplee Project Prize

Kerry Corley: Frequency-based analysis of language production in Parkinson's Disease.

Melanie Greaux: Metaphor in bilingual children.

Grace Jepson: Formulaic language in people with schizophrenia.


Tavistock Trust for Aphasia Student Prize

Thomas Shortland: An investigation into the influence of prosodic information on grammaticality judgements in aphasic listeners.

Luisa Zenobi-Bird: The impact of background noise on speech output in people with aphasia.

British Aphasiology Student Project Prize

Runner-up prize awarded to Samantha Sim: Comparison of Language Abilities Measured by Self-rated and Performance scores in Stroke Patients.

Clare Tarplee Project Prize

Olivia Hurst: An evaluation of patient and family experiences when attending for dynamic laryngoscopy in the paediatric joint voice clinic.

Sophie Trevis-Smith: Can hearing children be explicitly trained to use cued speech to improve silent phoneme identification?


Tavistock Trust for Aphasia Student Prize

Helena Thornley: The Influence of Emotional Valence on Word Recognition in People with Aphasia.

Samantha Sim: Comparison of Language Abilities Measured by Self-rated and Performance Scored in Stroke Patients.

Claire Tarplee Project Prize

Joanna Friedland: Sister talk: investigating an older sibling’s responses to verbal challenges.

Karyn Rehbock: The postnatal ontogeny of the hyoid and tongue in humans and chimpanzees (pan troglodytes): implications for the musculoskeletal components of the hominoid vocal tract and their functions.


Tavistock Trust for Aphasia Student Prize

Nichola Briggs: Preliminary evidence for modality specific attention impairment in post-stroke aphasia.

Philippa Clay: Making the community integration measure accessible for people with acquired communication difficulties.

British Aphasiology Student Project Prize

James McGoldrick: Assessing the Text-level Reading Skills of Adults with Aphasia.

Claire Tarplee Project Prize

Melanie Bowles: How do Speech and Language Therapy Students Learn Clinical Decision-making on Placement? Students' and Practice Educators Perspective.

Jelena Sakure: Question-Answer Sequences in Teacher-Pupil Talk: A Case of One Deaf Child and her Hearing Impaired Teacher.

Essay Prizes


British Aphasiology Student Essay/Case report Prize

Nicolina Hansard recieved a special commendation for her case-report.

Conference Presentations


Courtney Kaleta contributed data to an invited talk by her supervisor Bronwen Evans at the 14th International Congress for the Study of Child Language entitled "No Mummy, it's a b[a:]th not a b[æ]th!" The effects of language background and exposure on the processing of accented speech by monolingual and bilingual children.

Sophie Robinson contributed data and analysis to a presentation by her supervisor Suzanne Beeke at the SoPraCon symposium on Challenged Interaction in Odense, Denmark.  The paper was entitled "The interactional challenges of Wernicke's aphasia: linking research and clinical practice".

Kim Talbot presented her MSc project supervised by Lesley Cavalli and Nivi Behari at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children at the National Craniofacial Audit Meeting in May 2018.  The presentation was entitled "Retrospective Case Note Audit of Speech and Language Skills in Children with Crouzon Syndrome between the ages 4;0 and 6;11".


Helena Thornley presented her MSc project at the British Aphasiology Society’s Research Update Meeting in Leeds, 27 April, 2017. Her work was also presented by one of her supervisors, Caroline Newton, at the Science of Aphasia in Geneva, 11-14 September 2017. The paper was entitled “The influence of emotional valence on word recognition in people with aphasia.” (Newton, Thornley & Bruce).

Nichola Briggs presented her MSc project at the International Aphasia Rehabilitation Conference, 14-16 December 2016. The paper was entitled “Preliminary evidence for modality-specific attention impairment in post-stroke aphasia” (Briggs, Bruce & Newton).

Karyn Rehbock presented her work as a poster at the 6th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution in Madrid, 14-17 September 2016.