
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Samia Pervin, BSc Psychology

"It is inspiring to see so much more research around mental health, and it is great knowing my university is helping to create better treatments for those affected through their research."

Samia Pervin is a BSc Psychology student studying at UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences. 

1. Why did you choose your degree?

I chose psychology because I felt it would be a good basis for a range of career paths. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do in the future, but I knew that the degree incorporated a range of different skills which would prepare me for wherever I chose to go. I also developed an interest in psychology through my Philosophy and Ethics A-level which explored many issues around moral behaviour, the criminal justice system and why people behave the way they do. This made me want to explore these topics further. I also developed an interest in mental health issues and the neuroscience behind behaviour through various work experience placements, which pushed me towards the degree.

2. Why did you apply to study at UCL?

UCL is a top university in terms of educational quality, and it is now 2nd in the world for psychology [according to THE rankings by subject 2018]. I knew by coming here I would be taught by experts in the field who would incorporate their own research into our lectures.

3. What do you enjoy most about your degree?

I particularly enjoy the research aspect of the degree. The UCL psychology programme focuses quite heavily on research. Throughout first and second year, we had to create our own experiments, recruit participants, analyse the data and write a report. This was a great way to develop our research skills, especially how to get ideas across and how to present well.

4. What do you find interesting about your field of study and what inspires you?

What I find most interesting is the level of detail that psychology research goes into for seemingly simple, everyday processes. A great example is language, which is so effortless for everyone to participate in, yet it is one of the most complex things to explain in terms of how we acquire language and use it to communicate an infinite number of ideas. Another thing that I find fascinating is learning about how things in the brain can go wrong, leading to various different mental health illnesses. It is inspiring to see so much more research around mental health, and it is great knowing my university is helping to create better treatments for those affected through their research.

5. Has there been an element of your degree programme that has impressed you or been particularly valuable?

The fact that the lecturers are so supportive has been invaluable. They really understand their respective fields and are passionate about what they teach, and indeed research themselves, and so they are always willing to answer questions either through email or in a meeting.

6. Do you think studying at UCL Faculty of Brain Sciences is a good investment?

Definitely! By putting in effort, determination and enthusiasm, you’re rewarded with a degree from an outstanding university as well as life skills, career opportunities and invaluable connections both with your teachers and your peers – sounds like a good investment to me!

7. What are your plans once you’ve completed your current programme of study?

Perhaps do a Masters in a more specific field of psychology that I am interested in, or go into full-time work. I’m open to anything that sounds interesting.