
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Contents of UCLWPL 9 (1997)

Edited by Phillip Backley and John Harris
Semantics and Pragmatics
Richard Breheny

A unitary approach to the interpretation of definites

Robyn Carston

Relevance-theoretic pragmatics and modularity

Corinne ItenBecause and although: a case of duality?
Anna PapafragouModality in language development: a reconsideration of the evidence
Dan Sperber & Deirdre WilsonThe mapping between the mental and the public lexicon
Michiko TakeuchiConceptual and procedural encoding: cause-consequence conjunctive particles in Japanese
Seiji UchidaImmediate contexts and reported speech
Phillip Backley

Monovalency and the status of RTR

Sally Bates, John Harris & Jocelynne WatsonProsody and melody in vowel disorder
Phil Harrison

The relative complexity of Catalan vowels and their perceptual correlates

Kuniya Nasukawa

Melodic structure in a nasal-voice paradox

Michael Brody

Mirror theory

Annabel Cormack & Neil Smith

Checking features and split signs

Dick Hudson

Syntax without functional categories

Young-Kook Kim

Agreement phrases in DP

M. Rita Manzini & Leonardo SavoiaNull subjects without pro
Jonathan R. White

Result clauses and the structure of degree phrases