Dr. Yuda Turana, MD (Neurologist)
Neurology Department
School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
Email: ;
Twitter: @yuda_turana
Dr Tara Sani
Neurology Department
School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
Twitter: @TaraSani_ID
Berliany Venny Sipollo
Department of Gerontology Nursing
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Panti Waluya Malang
CST Provision
CST is not yet part of a treatments accessible in government-funded healthcare services. Several day centres and programmes aimed at older people have implemented CST-inspired approach, although there might be differences in the structure of the activities.
CST Research Projects
Currently we are doing a 3-arms intervention study, consisting of groups of community-dwelling older people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) receiving CST and Brain Vitality Exercise, CST only, and treatment as usual. The study also serves as a capacity building opportunity for local cadres to be facilitators.
There have been several other studies on CST adaptation effectiveness on older people with mild-to-moderate dementia in nursing homes which consisted of respondents with predominantly lower level of education.
CST Publications
Prasetya V. G. H, Halim M. S., Adhiatma W., Turana Y., Sani T. P. (2020, December 10-12). Cognitive stimulation therapy on older women with dementia in Indonesia; the impact on executive function. [Poster session]. Alzheimer's Disease International Virtual International Conference.