
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Data Reports

2007 Interview Study

Click here to see sample and interview data from David Tuckett's first set of interviews with money managers published in "Minding the Markets" (2011); Fund Managers: An Emotional Finance View (2013) and "Financial Markets are Markets in Stories" (2011)

These interviews were made possible by the support of the Leverhulme Trust. Data has been modified to protect confidentiality and opinions. None of the data included here has any function but to illustrate the research findings and should not be quoted without permission. Further material is available to interested scholars.

2011 Interview Study

Click here to see sample and interview data from David Tuckett's follow-up set of interviews with money managers published in Constructing conviction through action and narrative: how money managers manage uncertainty and the consequence for financial market functioning (2014)

These interviews were made possible by the support of the Institute of New Economic Thinking. Data has been modified to protect confidentiality and opinions. None of the data included here has any function but to illustrate the research findings and should not be quoted without permission. Further material is available to interested scholars.