
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences



Dr. Rachel Carey

Research Associate

Rachel Carey

Rachel Carey is a Research Associate at University College London, where she works as part of the Health Psychology Research Group.

Her doctoral research, completed at the National University of Ireland Galway, examined the impact of threat-based road safety advertisements on young males' risky driving behaviour.

Her research interests include health-risk behaviour, health communication and behaviour change.

Dr. Lauren Connell

Research Assistant

Lauren Connell
Lauren Connell is a Research Associate at UCL in the Health Psychology Research Group.

She completed her PhD at the Pennsylvania State University in the Department of Biobehavioral Health in 2015. 

Lauren completed both undergraduate and graduate training at Penn State, obtaining a Master's degree in Biobehavioral Health in 2012, and undergraduate degrees in Psychology and Finance.

Previously a Prevention and Methodology Training fellow, her research interests are focused on both substantive and methodological issues related to self-regulation, physical activity promotion, and intervention design and evaluation.