Research assistant & blog editor
For the past year and a half, I have had the pleasure of joining UCL as a part-time Masters student studying Psychological Sciences. My dissertation project falls within CORE (Centre for Outcomes Research and Effectiveness) and is concerned with determining treatment response relationships for PTSD patients accessing IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) services. Alongside my course, I help to manage the PsychUP for Wellbeing’s blog posts, provide healthcare assistance on a low-secure CAMHS inpatient ward and work as a research assistant on the SENSE survey. The main aim of this project is to gain a clearer picture of student mental health and wellbeing by investigating the impact of a wide array of factors including: finance, living situation and workload across the academic year. In doing all of this, I hope to contribute towards the improvement of student mental health, provide tailored support and ensure that younger people can lead enjoyable and fulfilling lives.