
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Julia Curl

Administrator Manager

Location: Room 438, 1-19 Torrington Place

Research Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology, University College London
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT

Tel: 020 7679 1896, (x 41896)

Email: j.curl@ucl.ac.uk



Administrative Duties

Overall responsibility for the CEHP administrative team

  • Advise staff on UCL policies and procedures relating to finance, HR and academic administration
  • Oversee general ledger expenditure
  • Oversee research grant administration
  • Oversee purchasing, Torrington Place site

Provide administrative support for the Head of the Research Department

Senior Course Administrator for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology

  • Team leader for the selection of D.Clin.Psy trainees
  • Administration of Examination Boards and assessment committee
  • Course financial administration