
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Working Together to Support Families of Young Children with Cochlear Implants

Symposium held on 9th November 2011 by University College London and UCLPartners

An exploration of issues surrounding multi-disciplinary support for families with very young children who are given cochlear implants including:

• integrated multi-disciplinary working

• the Monitoring protocol for deaf babies and children

• signing/speech reading, pre and post implantation

• promoting language development in deaf children

• access to incidental language for deaf children

• use of the home language and the effect of cultural differences

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Issues explored in terms of current practice, evidence-based research, collaborative working and identification of areas for further research.

An overview of the issues in current practice with young deaf children with cochlear implants (CI)

· the importance of integrated multi-disciplinary working and

· factors influencing the effective support of the families of children with CI.

Judy Halden, Specialist Speech and Language Therapist with Deaf People, Teacher of the Deaf, Honorary Research Associate, UCL

Julia Divers, Teacher of the Deaf, Honorary Research Associate, UCL

The Early Support Monitoring Protocol: used to support positive multi -disciplinary working with families

Mary Kean, Communications and Stakeholder Lead for NHS Newborn Hearing Screening

Multi-modal communication

Professor Bencie Woll, Chair in Sign Language and Deaf Studies, DCAL, UCL

Communication interventions with pre-school deaf children

Dr Rachel Rees, Lecturer, Developmental Science Research Department, PaLS, UCL

Taking language and cultural diversity into account

Dr Merle Mahon, Senior Lecturer, Developmental Science Research Department, PaLS, UCL 

What can we expect of cochlear implants for listening to speech in noisy environments?

Dr Andrew Faulkner, Head of Research Department of Speech Hearing and Phonetic Sciences (SHaPS), PaLS, UCL

Issues, Challenges and Evidence: Where next to improve the quality of support for children and families?

Gwen Carr, Honorary Senior Research Associate, UCL, Education Consultant to the England Newborn Hearing Screening team


For further information about the symposium panel members and speakers click here

Discussion Session