
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Speech Science Forum - Hannah Guest

02 November 2023, 4:00 pm–5:00 pm

a profile picture of the speaker, Hannah Guest

Event Information

Open to



Rana Abu-Zhaya

New directions in the Noise@Manchester research programme

We have long known that chronic noise exposure can damage human hearing, but this has traditionally been established using clinical hearing tests, in populations with substantial exposures, with deficits appearing many years after exposure onset. The 2010s and early 2020s have seen increased interest in the subtler effects of noise, investigated using subclinical measures, in younger and less exposed populations. This research has often produced inconclusive and inconsistent results, likely due to the hazards of transplanting findings from carefully controlled animal models into messier humans, and to the challenges of disentangling different types of noise damage. But methodological limitations have also constrained the work, including the author’s own. This presentation consists of two parts. First, a whistlestop tour of the “Noise@Manchester” research programme, which seeks to address some key gaps in knowledge and limitations of extant research. This is followed by some reflections on lessons learned by the researchers in the course of the programme, which might be of particular benefit to early-career researchers.

This is an online event:  https://ucl.zoom.us/j/91247046915?pwd=RWlzOFIvcWJvRk10NEIwYkhEZnovdz09

About the Speaker

Hannah Guest

Research fellow at The University of Manchester

Hannah is a Research Fellow in the Manchester Centre for Audiology and Deafness. For the last decade, she has researched subclinical hearing disorders: auditory deficits that don't show up on the pure-tone audiogram. She works to understand their causes, consequences, and better ways of measuring and managing them. Her largest project (£2.3m; 2021-26; P.I. Prof Chris Plack) investigates the effects of noise exposure on auditory physiology and perception. Her other work considers hearing differences in developing nations and among the autistic community.

More about Hannah Guest