
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Linguistics Seminar - Cynthia Fisher

10 March 2021, 4:00 pm–6:00 pm

Linguistics seminar

Linking verbs with syntax: Distributional learning about verbs guides verb learning and sentence processing

Event Information

Open to



Richard Jardine
The seminar will take place on Zoom. Please contact the organiser for the sign up details.

Linking verbs with syntax: Distributional learning about verbs guides verb learning and sentence processing

Abstract: Learning a language requires balancing lexical and abstract knowledge, to learn patterns ranging from the idiosyncrasies of individual words to structures that can be generalized to almost any word. In this talk I will discuss the role of syntactic-distributional learning about verbs in creating and maintaining this balance. I will present evidence that, from early in acquisition, distributional learning creates probabilistic syntactic-semantic combinatorial knowledge about verbs and classes of verbs. This knowledge plays multiple roles in acquisition: (a) it permits syntactic bootstrapping, as children use each verb’s combinatorial behavior in sentences to help compute its meaning; and (b) it supports sentence processing (this is known as verb bias), by reducing ambiguity in online comprehension, and guiding sentence production.

About the Speaker

Cynthia Fisher

Professor at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

More about Cynthia Fisher