
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Healthcare provider mental health: Going beyond wellbeing narratives

06 July 2021, 10:00 am–4:30 pm

Healthcare provider mental health: Going beyond wellbeing narratives banner

Discussing and launching guidance about the future of staff wellbeing and mental health experiences within healthcare services.

Event Information

Open to







Katrina Scior

Attention to healthcare provider wellbeing has increased exponentially in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Images of exhausted doctors and nurses are ever-present in the media. This event will hear from leading researchers, policy makers and clinicians on the latest evidence, policy issues and key themes and challenges in service provision. What the future should hold in terms of staff wellbeing and mental health will be debated over the course of the day. Importantly, we will ask how we can avoid healthcare provider lived experience being pushed back into the closet of silence, stigma and shame.

The day will culminate in the launch of the guide Supporting and valuing lived staff experience of mental health difficulties in clinical psychology training (BPS, 2020), produced by the UCL Unit for Stigma Research (UCLUS). The guide was developed in partnership with stakeholders from 12 UK clinical psychology training courses, healthcare providers with lived experience and the British Psychological Society's Division of Clinical Psychology and the Association of Clinical Psychologists UK (ACP-UK).

Registration is only £30; proceeds from ticket sales will be split between our UCLUS research unit to support junior researchers and co-production, the other half of proceeds will support the work of in2gr8mentalhealth.