CEHP lecture series: Psychological research in the real world
04 October 2018, 4:30 pm–5:30 pm
Event Information
Open to
- All
Professor Stephen Pilling
Room G121-19 Torrington PlaceLondonWC1E 7HBUnited Kingdom
The Research Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology invites you to our 2018/19 lecture series.
This series will demonstrate the breadth and overlap in research within the department, and provide a space for colleagues and students to come together. We start the term with a lecture from speakers from our own department, and then finish with a lecture from a guest speaker. All lectures will be from 4:30 – 5:30 and will be followed by a drinks reception.
For more information and to register please visit: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/clinical-educational-health-psychology-201819-lecture-series-tickets-48551754605
About the Speaker
Prof Val Curran, Prof Dino Petrides and Dr Paul Chadwick
CEHP Speakers: Prof Val Curran, Prof Dino Petrides and Dr Paul Chadwick
Chair: Prof Stephen Pilling