
NIHR Obesity Policy Research Unit at UCL


Alison Fildes

Alison Fildes
Dr Alison Fildes is an Academic Fellow in the Human Appetite Research Unit within the School of Psychology at the University of Leeds. She also holds an honorary Senior Research Associate position in University College London’s Department of Behavioural Science and Health. Alison graduated in Psychology from the University of Edinburgh before joining UCL as a Research Assistant in January 2009. In 2014, Alison completed her PhD examining the development and modification of children’s food preferences under the supervision of Professor Jane Wardle at UCL. Prior to taking up her first academic post at the University of Leeds in 2016, Alison held post-doctoral positions at the Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation at Queensland University of Technology (Australia), the Department of Primary Care and Public Health Sciences at Kings College London and UCL’s Department of Behavioural Science and Health. 

Alison is Deputy Director of the Gemini study, a large UK twin cohort established to advance understanding of the genetic and environmental influences on appetite and growth in childhood. She also co-leads the Association for the Study of Obesity (ASO) Yorkshire Regional Network. Alison is interested in the aetiology and modification of obesogenic health behaviours and has contributed to several randomised control trials targeting early life diet and obesity prevention.