PhD Student

The definition of immunologic adjuvant is any substance that acts to accelerate, prolong, or enhance antigen-specific immune responses when used in combination with specific vaccine antigens. And the adjuvants are broadly classified into three groups: delivery systems, immunomodulatory molecules, and combinations of the former two classes (combination systems). When the nanoparticles are the adjuvant of vaccines, the specific size, shape and carried charges and groups on the surface can enhance immune response or improve the ability to take in by cells. We found the raspberry-like nanoparticles have a similar surface structure with polyomavirus. Therefore, the raspberry-like nanoparticles with appropriate biomaterials can be the candidate to be the adjuvant to activate immune response additionally. It may compensate for the weak immunogens that provide by highly purified vaccines' antigens as a combination system.
MSc, Chemical Process Engineering, University College London, London, UK (2019)
BEng Chemical Engineering, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Ningbo, China (2018)