'Sustainable Waste Management: a fast track to Net Zero' - Free Seminar on 27 April at Senate House
30 March 2023
The need to manage waste sustainably has never been more important. The UK Government has mapped the opportunities of sustainable waste management contribution of building circular economies and reducing carbon emissions as part of the net-zero roadmap. Recycling, bioenergy and advanced biofuels produced through the newest waste treatment technologies will end up playing a valuable role in a modern, integrated sustainable energy system.
A panel of several world leading experts will present and debate the merits of some of the latest complementary technologies/innovations in recycling household waste into fuels and feedstocks for industrial use, as well as the potential to utilise these technologies to remove carbon from the atmosphere.
The speakers are active in the field of bioenergy and waste recycling particularly looking at residual plastic waste and biomass feedstocks.
Full details and booking information can be found here, and in the poster below.