
UCL Centre for Nature Inspired Engineering


Nidhi Kapil hosts Nuffield Placement student at the Centre for Nature-Inspired Engineering (CNIE)

27 September 2021

nidhi nuffield

Nidhi Kapil and Professor Marc-Olivier Coppens from the UCL Department of Chemical Engineering and the Centre for Nature-Inspired Engineering (CNIE) participated in and hosted student Miss Minahil Ahmad under the Nuffield placements scheme.

Nuffield Research Placements are funded by the
Nuffield Foundation and delivered by STEM Learning. They are engaging, hands-on research projects, where students have the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution towards the work of a host organisation.  

Minahil worked on the project The Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles for Novel Scientific Applications. She was also awarded Gold CREST award for this project.  

Minahil says 

“My time conducting a Nuffield project with UCL was amazing, and taught me so many skills; all the way from writing emails and time management to structuring a scientific report. Despite the COVID-19 challenge, the virtual experience was still extremely engaging with daily video calls, and my supervisors were lovely! They helped me a great deal (with absolutely anything I needed) and my understanding of my topic of research has grown tenfold. I would highly recommend a Nuffield project with UCL to anyone who is looking for a better understanding of what researchers do and why research is so vital to the future of many industries!”