


Department News, August 2023, Part 2

18 August 2023

Three pieces of good news this week:

 (1) The next round of applications for Martingale scholars (2024 entry) has opened - and features one of the UCL intake from this coming year, Iman, as a case study.

 (2) Christina Pagel's latest summary of the current covid situation (a commissioned piece by BMJ https://www.bmj.com/content/382/bmj.p1885 ) has been picked up by a wide range of news outlets - 14 at the last count including a slightly alarmist take by the Metro https://metro.co.uk/2023/08/16/new-covid-variant-warning-of-back-to-school-wave-as-new-variant-found-19343652/

 (3) The UCL Team participated in the International Mathematics Competition for University Students held in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 31 July - 6 August 2023. The team ranked 43-44 out of 72 teams. Mathieu Wydra got a silver medal, Franciszek Kobus got a bronze medal, and Gaoke Zhang and Anand Bhardwaj got an honourable mention. The Team was trained by Marios Voskou (team leader), PhD student at LSGNT. Congratulations to all the participants!