


Department News, August 2023, Part 1

4 August 2023

Quite a lot of good news this week, surprising for the middle of the summer!

  1. Iain Smears has been awarded an EPSRC New Investigator Award for his project "Advanced Numerical Methods for Mean Field Games"
  2. The MAPS Faculty ECR Forum has given out awards this week. We have no less than three (four depending on how you count) winners in the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award category:

Claudia De Souza Miranda Perez

Luke Davis

Michaela Barbieri & Marta Benozzo (jointly)

  1. On 21st July the MAPS Faculty held an Embedding EDI into Education Poster Prize Competition. One of the two first-placed posters was a team led by Luciano Rila and also including Vivienne Leech:

Many congratulations to all of them - there is a lot of hard work underlying each of these achievements!