Department News, July 2022 Part 4
22 July 2022
(1) Our undergraduate students have had some success in the Faculty Prizes this year. Teymour Gray (Y3 MSci) will receive a special Jackson Lewis commendation from the Dean; and Seth Hardy (Y4 MSci) is joint winner of the Kathleen Lonsdale Medal. In addition, the following graduating students will be on the Dean's List:
Richard Oravkin
Seth Hardy
Michael Nguyen
Simone Baskir
Yunwei Zhang
Callum Rai
Jaeyeon Park
Tamara Istrate
Jemima Milford
Ellie Yu
Harry Fang
Julien Schachter
Samin Khan
Many congratulations to all for their achievement!
(2) Shujian Liao passed his viva with minor corrections on July 13th. His thesis, titled "Log Signatures in Machine Learning", was supervised by Hao Ni. Congratulations Dr Liao!
(3) Our NSS results are out. Staff can explore them in full detail on Tableau, but the headline is that our overall satisfaction is 80.6%. This is an improvement on last year and is above the UCL average. Relative to the rest of the Russell Group's mathematics departments (for some reason ranked on the average of all the questions, rather than overall satisfaction) we are third, behind Warwick and Imperial. Well done to everyone whose efforts made this possible.
(4) Claudia De Sousa Miranda Perez, Anushka Herale and Helena Coggan all won awards for Best Student in their respective groups at the Cambridge Modelling Camp last week. Congratulations to everyone!