Department News, February 2022 Part 1
11 February 2022
(1). Ben Davies has been awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.
(2). A team from the LSGNT, headed by Holly Green, has been awarded funding from the Faculty's "Take Bold Action for Inclusion" fund, towards running the WINGs Spring Retreat - for women in number theory and geometry.
(3). Christina Pagel got a mention in the Lancet as a prominent female voice for science during the pandemic.
(4). Martin Utley, along with colleagues from Mech Eng and the Bartlett, has been successful in a small bid to Moorfields Eye Charity to look at efficient and safe use of space in a pandemic.
(5). Ted Johnson has been invited to be a plenary speaker at a forthcoming programme at the Isaac Newton Institute.
(6). Dr Selim Ghazouani, Dr Aleksander Doan and Dr Mikhail Karpukhin will be joining us next September as Lecturers in Pure Mathematics.