Department News, September 2020 Part 2
18 September 2020
(1) Several grant successes in CORU:
- Sonya Crowe and Martin Utley have been awarded an InnovateUK grant led by the company Satalia and in collaboration with Care City, on developing a real-time home healthcare scheduling tool with a focus on limiting COVID-19 infections
- They have also won an NHSX / NIHR grant led by Steve Harris (an ICU clinician at UCLH) on developing a real-time bed demand forecasting model
- Martin Utley is also an investigator on a new Health Foundation funded project led by Hazel Kirkland (a pharmacist at Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust) to develop open source analytics to improve pharmacy stock control
(2) Viva news
(a) Alex Stokes had his successful viva on 26th August. His thesis, entitled "Studies on the geometry of Painleve equations", was supervised by Rod Halburd.
(b) Giada Grossi successfully defended her thesis on Friday 11th September, entitled "Euler systems and their applications". This project was supervised by Sarah Zerbes.
(c) Gregorio Baldi successfully defended his thesis on Friday 11th September, entitled "Shimura varieties, Galois representations and motives". This project was supervised by Andrei Yafaev.
Congratulations to Dr Stokes, Dr Grossi and Dr Baldi!