Department News, March 2019
11 March 2019
1. The following new staff will be joining us next Autumn in Pure Mathematics:
- Lorenzo Foscolo
- Luis Garcia
- Mahir Hadzic
- Ian Petrow
- Jeffrey Galkwoski
2. Two of our new colleagues starting in Autumn 2019 - Dr Michele Coti Zelati, who will start here as a Lecturer in Applied Mathematics, and Dr Mahir Hadzic, who will start as an Associate Professor in Pure Mathematics - have just been awarded a EPSRC Fellowships. Well done to both of them!
3. Ryan Palmer and Emily Maw have both been accepted to present posters to MPs at the Houses of Parliament at the 'STEM for Britain' event on March 13th.
4. Bede Frank (MSc Mathematical Modelling 2017-18) has been awarded the MAPS Faculty Postgraduate Taught Prize.
5. Dr Ellya Kawecki has been successful in his application for an EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship. He will join UCL in the autumn, mentored by Iain Smears.
6. Dimitrios Voulgarelis (supervised by Frank Smith) has successfully passed his viva.
Congratulations to all!