Dept News, March 2017
13 March 2017
1. Congratulations to Yanlong Fang for his recent PhD success. His thesis was titled ''Analysis of first order systems on manifolds without boundary: a spectral theoretic approach'' and he was supervised by Dima Vassiliev.
2. Lauri Oksanen has been awarded an EPSRC Fellowship ''Inverse problems for hyperbolic partial differential equations.'' Many congratulations Lauri.
3. More congratulations, this time to Leonid Parnovski and Alex Sobolev for their project ''Stable and unstable almost-periodic problems'' which has recently been funded by EPSRC.
4. Two of our undergraduates, Laura Wakelin and Lewis Marsden, have been accepted on the prestigious LMS 2017 summer school to be held at The University of Manchester.