Dept News, December 2015
9 December 2015
1. Many congratulations to Riaz Ahmad for his thoroughly
well-deserved promotion to Senior Teaching Fellow.
2. Congratulations to the following who have recently
been successful in their PhD vivas:
Jacopo Lanzoni "Numerical computation of resonances
and pseudospectra in acoustic scattering" (supervised by Timo Betcke)
Raphaela Heussen ''Modeling complex cell regulation in
the zebrafish circadian clock'' (supervised by Alexey Zaikin)
Christopher Wray ''Complex systems models of financial
and systemic risk'' (supervised by Steven Bishop)
Niko Laaksonen ''Quantum Limits, Counting and Landau-type
Formulae in Hyperbolic Space'' (supervised by Yiannis Petridis)
3. Many congratulations to Jean-Marc Vanden-Broeck who is
a co-I (lead PI is Paul Milewski from Bath) on the recently announced successful EPSRC standard grant ''Modelling,
computation and analysis of droplets guided by Faraday waves: a complex system
with macroscopic quantum analogies.''
4. A paper written by Sonya Crowe and Martin Utley (CORU) informing health protection policy has won the OR Society Goodeve Medal for the best paper published in the society's Journal in 2014. Congratulations Sonya and Martin.
5. The department is presently advertising for a Lecturer in Pure Mathematics with a closing date 31 January 2016.
Please bring to the attention of suitable candidates.