


Aims and Objectives


1. To attract mathematically able students and to provide for them academically coherent undergraduate programmes, with courses that range from the fundamental to the advanced, reflecting the scholarship and research interests of staff.

2. To provide, within the above:

(a) degree programmes in mathematics which are intellectually challenging and rigorous, and whose graduates are well-placed to pursue postgraduate studies or to enter employment;
(b) combined degree programmes, given with other UCL departments, which are designed for students seeking expertise in more than one discipline or additional skills such as a foreign language, computing or management processes.`

3. To provide students with friendly pastoral and academic support which will help them develop their capabilities in an environment where both independent study and interaction with staff and fellow students are encouraged.


On successful completion of their studies, all students should

(1) have learned to apply critical and analytical reasoning and to present logical and concise arguments,

(2) have developed problem solving skills,

(3) have learned to assimilate and manipulate substantial bodies of knowledge,

(4) have had the opportunity to take options outside their main area of study,

(5) have covered the core topics of advanced mathematics which the Department considers appropriate to their degree programme,

(6) be able to understand and present sophisticated mathematical arguments and rigorous proofs,

(7) be able to comprehend high levels of abstraction in the study of pure mathematics,

(8) be able to apply physical insight and mathematical techniques to the solution of problems in applied mathematics,

(9) have had the opportunity to enhance their investigative, communication and presentation skills (especially MSci students).