


Partnerships and Sub-divisions

Find out more about our department's partnerships and sub-divisions.

Our department has been joined by CORU (the Clinical Operational Research Unit) which applies mathematics to a wide range of medically oriented research topics. We also participate in CoMPLEX (Centre for the application of Mathematics and Physics in the Life sciences and EXperimental biology).

We are also involved with the London School of Geometry and Number Theory, which is an EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training that offers a 4-year PhD programme. This is a joint venture with Imperial College London and King's College London.

We are part of the London Taught Course Centre (LTCC) for students in mathematical sciences, which was formed to foster the training of doctoral students in the Mathematical Sciences.

Our department is part of the Further Mathematics Support Programme, which aims to ensure that every student in England can access AS/A level Further Mathematics qualifications.