
UCL London


Opportunity to engage with the City of London Corporation

22 February 2023

The UCL London Office is sharing an exciting opportunity for the UCL community to engage with the City of London.

The UCL London Office is sharing an exciting opportunity for the UCL community to engage with the City of London Corporation on an upcoming long-term project relating to the finance and professional services (FPS) sector.

‘Financing for growth: A roadmap’ is a project led by the City of London Corporation which will set out long-term plans to reinforce and renew the UK’s role as a global financial centre. It will be co-chaired by the Rt. Hon Lord Mayor Nicholas Lyons and The Policy Chairman, Chris Hayward and UCL President & Provost Dr Michael Spence will serve on the Senior Advisory Group. 

The aim is to ensure the UK FPS sector is best-in-class internationally and able to contribute positively to the UK economy in this decade and beyond. The project will produce a report to set a long-term sense of direction, a clear route map and, crucially, a sense of urgency for government, regulators and the financial and professional services sector to act. 

The project will focus on four areas of competitive aspects of the UK financial and professional sector: 

1.    Sustainable Finance;
2.    Innovation in Financial Services Technology; 
3.    Efficient public and private financial markets and competitive talent tax and regulation; and 
4.    International trade policies and promotional efforts. 

The UCL community has been called upon to contribute to a compelling, ambitious but practical vision of the UK FPS industry’s future success with a strong case for change.  Members of our community are asked to submit: 

A.    Relevant research to underpin the case for regulatory, legislative or programmatic interventions that will strengthen the UK; and/or
B.    Any big or new ideas to shift the UK’s competitive position as a global financial centre not covered in previous reviews of this nature. 

Submissions and queries can be sent to Amy Lightstone, Head of Engagement and Operations (London), a.lightstone@ucl.ac.uk by the deadline COP Friday 10 March 2023.